Freiburg with Fujifim X-E4 and XF23/1.4 R

Having some nice days with my girl friend in Freiburg im Breisgau. Photo gear was just my X-E4 with one prime lens. A very light and compact setup in contrast to the M10 with the Voigtländer 35/2 Apo which i use recently the most. But if you are not on a photographic mission, it’s quite enjoyable to use a light gear.

Just around the corner in Triberg are germanys highest waterfalls and nearby the birds of prey and owl park. Wish the X-E4 had a IBIS for longer exposure time of the waterfall…

On the way back we made a stopover at Titisee Lake. Very boring and touristic.

Freiburg itself is very nice. Some impressions from the town itself:

Some views from the Kanonenplatz over Freiburg

The old cemetery. A very quiet and somewhat enchanted place

And finally some people